• sales@microtel.co.za
  • Opening Time : 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Microtel-LTE is a portable, easy to use device. Use it to provide high speed, reliable connectivity for your home, remote office locations or as a voice failover solution for your business. Microtel-LTE keeps you connected no matter how remote your location in South Africa. Microtel-LTE ensures you stay connected even if your 4G connection is weak or your fixed wired connection goes down. Microtel-LTE can connect directly to your company’s PBX system ensuring that you and your business stay connected when traditional connectivity infrastructure lets you down. Microtel-LTE benefits from national coverage through the GSM networks. Whether you’re working from a remote work location, travelling, in your recreational vehicle, moving home or office you can be assured that Microtel-LTE will keep you connected.